Teams and People

Marcus Figueredo

Marcus Vinícius Mazega Figueredo


Doctorate and Master's Degree of Computing (PUCPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Engineering (PUCPR).

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Sérgio Rogal

Sérgio Renato Rogal Júnior


Master's Degree of Computing (PUCPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Engineering (PUCPR).

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Marcelo Cossetin

Marcelo Júnior Cossetin

Product and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Embedded Systems Director

Master's Degree of Applied Computing (PUCPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Engineering (PUCPR).

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Bernardo Almeida

Bernardo Montesanti Almeida

Chief Medical Officer

Master’s Degree of Internal Medicine (UFPR), Physician with residency in Internal Medicine (UFPR) and Infectology (UFPR).

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Adriano Artur Timm

Postgraduate in Polymeric Composite Materials (UP), Graduated in Design - Product Design (UP)

Research area

3D Modeling, Additive Manufacturing

Alan Murilo da Silva Neto

Technician in Mechatronics, Graduating in Electrical Engineering (UP)

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Research area

Embedded systems

Aléxia Gasparin

Aléxia Thamara Gasparin

Master’s Degree of Pharmacology (UFPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Biology (UFPR), Technician of Biotechnology and Industrial Bioprocesses (SENAI-PR).

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Research area

Human Biology

Andreza Gambelli Lucas Costa Nascimento

Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Unioeste-PR), Bachelor in Pharmacy (UEPG)

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Research area

Human Biology

Ava Gevaerd

Ava Gevaerd

Doctorate and Master’s Degree of Analytical Chemistry (UFPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Chemistry (UFPR).

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Research area


Bruna Raddatz

Bruna Winkert Raddatz

Master’s Degree of Microbiology, Parasitology, and Pathology (UFPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Bioengineering (UFPR).

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Research area

Human Biology

Caio Klosovski

Caio Corsi Klosovski

Laboratory Technical Director

Master’s Degree of Technology Development (LACTEC/IEP), MBA of Business Intelligence (UP), Specialization of Quality Management Six Sigma (FAE), Bachelor’s Degree of Biomedicine (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná).

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Claucio Filho

Claucio Antonio Rank Filho

Master’s Degree of Physiology (UFPR). Physiotherapist (UFPR).

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Research area


Claudiane Araujo

Claudiane Isabel Franco Araujo

Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering at UTFPR; Graduated in Biomedicine (UP)

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Research area

Human Biology

Diego Nicollete

Diego Rinaldi Pavesi Nicollete

Doctorate of Life Sciences and Biotechnology (USP), Master’s Degree of Biotechnology (USP), Bachelor’s Degree of Biochemical Pharmacy (UNESP)

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Research area

Human Biology

Emmanuelle Carneiro

Emmanuelle Alves Carneiro

Master’s Degree of Chemistry, Bachelor’s Degree of Chemistry (UFPR)

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Research area


Ivan Silva

Ivan Lucas Reis Silva

Master’s Degree of Electrical Engineering (UFPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Engineering (PUCPR).

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Research area

Computer Science

Jeferson Gogola

Jeferson Luiz Gogola

Doctorate of Chemistry (UFPR), Master’s Degree of Chemistry (UFPR), Bachelor’s Degree of Chemistry (UFPR)

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Research area


João Victor Predebon

Degree in Electrical Engineering with Emphasis in Electronics and Telecommunications (UFPR)

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Research area

Electronic Instrumentation, Embedded Systems

Keyla Kuniyoshi

Keyla Kaori Kuniyoshi

Bachelor of Science in Bioprocess and Biotechnology Engineering (UFPR)

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Research area

Human Biology

Luís Felipe Hartmann

Post Graduated in Agile Project Management (PUC-PR), Graduated in Computer Engineering (PUC-PR and Stevens Institute of Technology)

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Research area

Embedded systems

Matheus Severo

Matheus Gonçalves Severo

Doctorate of Industrial Biotechnology (UP), Master’s Degree in Bioengineering (UFPR), Specialization in Production Engineering - Lean Management (FAE), Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering (UFPR).

Research area

Human Biology

Rafael Benedetti

Rafael Benedetti

Master’s Degree of Molecular Biology (FIOCRUZ), Bachelor’s Degree of Biomedicine (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná).

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Research area

Human Biology

Thainá Caroline

Thainá Caroline Schuartz de Jesus

Bachelor’s Degree of Pharmacy (Universidade Estácio de Sá), Technician of Clinical Laboratory Analysis (Centro de Educação Profissional Rui Barbosa).

Research area

Human Biology